Message from the President:
We would like to provide an update on recent discussions related to the news article regarding CRA taxation rule changes. Dave and myself are the MACAP representatives on the national CCRVC board. As such we have been involved in discussions with CCRVC regarding the proposed changes. We were notified of this issue approximately a week and a half ago. Since that time we have been working to shed more light on the issue and find out more information. The CCRVC has been working with industry members as well as lobbying the government to request a reevaluation of this policy. The April National meeting included a lobby day in which representatives from all provinces met with MPs to discuss a variety of topics currently affecting our campground industry. There are more meetings scheduled in the upcoming weeks and months. MACAP receives national representation through CCRVC. That makes a total of 2300 member parks across Canada all working together to deal with our concerns as group.