Winnipeg, MB, April 12, 2012 – Manitoba’s Association of Campgrounds and Parks (MACAP) would like to warn Manitobans about, a website masquerading as an online reservation system for Canadian campgrounds.

“Yesterday we found out that there is a website that is posing as an on-line reservation system for Canadian campgrounds,” Alexandra Anderson, Executive Director of Camping in Ontario wrote in an email to MACAP earlier this week. “A number of my campgrounds are listed. They have done a very good job, it goes so far that you can pick your site and pay by credit card.”

“When last we checked, Manitoba does not seem to have any campgrounds listed, but several in British Columbia and Ontario have active links to phishing sites,” said Dennis Crocket, President of MACAP.

“Safe sites to link off of are for Manitoba campgrounds, for Ontario and nationally at”

MACAP is an association of private family owned parks and campgrounds in Manitoba. Their primary objective is to establish higher standards in family operated campgrounds throughout the province to provide guests with an enjoyable camping experience.