Spruce Sands Resort

Operational Dates

Opens: May
Closes: October



GPS Coordinates

Latitude: 50.7874759
Longitude: -96.9934483

Social Media

Spruce Sands Resort

Located 16 km (10 miles) north of Gimli (1 hour north of Winnipeg) off Hwys. #8 or #9. Large, fully-serviced sites on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Close to marinas, golf courses and fishing. Store with restaurant and bakery.

On-Site Amenities

Flush Toilets, Showers, Wifi, Playground, Laundromat, Kayak/Canoe/Pedal Boat Rentals, Dump Station, Firepits, Store, Snack Bar/Restaurant, Beach, Full Service Sites, Fishing, Propane

Nearby Amenities

Driving Directions

Rate/Booking Information

Rate Information HERE

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