It is estimated that more than half of all travel bookings are done online. If your campground doesn’t have an Online Secure Reservation System, consumers looking for your service may pass you by.

Due to very real security concerns, consumers will not simply email you their credit card number. They expect a secure transaction system where they can check availability, reserve and confirm their travel plans. The easiest way for operators to start accepting bookings online is to use an Internet-based property management system such as MACAP’s. This system automates and simplifies the booking process for both consumer and operator. With very easily understood interfaces, staff can be quickly trained to use this system as reservations come in.

There are also operational benefits of online reservations:

·  You attract new customers who would traditionally not find you.
·  Take reservations 24/7/365 even when you are closed.
·  Save staff and phone costs by automating your reservations online.
·  Speed up check-ins and check-outs.
·  Eliminate booking mistakes — no more lost or duplicate reservations.
·  Utilize your spaces more effectively with features like waiting lists and mailing lists.
·  Instantly know the availability of each space allowing you to book reservations quickly and confidently.
·  Eliminate hand-filed forms, reducing form costs and minimizing the wait time at your check-in counter.
·  Avoid missing charges for extras like additional people or vehicles.
·  Solve accountability issues with secure log-ins and operator/date/time tracking of all transactions.

MACAP’s Reservation System is designed to be as individual as our parks are.

The system allows you to customize your park and is user friendly.  Only the information that pertains to your park will appear on the site.  All other information will not appear.  This system keeps inventory on your site and will have YOUR Cancellation Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.  Customers are even able to cancel reservations On-Line.  There will be one picture of your park with a short description on the Home Page.

Some of MACAP’s Reservation System Features:

  • The following info can be asked by the customer:

    •  Check-in Date

    •  Check-out Date

    •  Services Required (if any)

    •  Minimum Power (if applicable)

    •  Pets?

    •  Do you require a slide-out site?

    •  Length of RV

    •  # of vehicles parking is required for

    •  # of people over 18

    •  # of people under 18

    •  # of infants (the age limit of infants is set by you and you can select no charge to infants if you wish)

  •  4 available Reports of your campground’s data:
    •  Mailing List: List of your customers who have accepted to receive promotional materials.

    •  Sales by Dollar Amount: Show sales figures for orders & cancellations for selected period, by site type.

    •  Sales by Reservation Type: Show sales figures for orders & cancellations for selected period, by reservation type.

    •  Inventory by Date: Display inventory figures by site type for each day in the selected period.

  •  Should you want to offer Discounts they would automatically be calculated in the system.  Discounts can be for:

    •  Groups

    •  Longer Stays

    •  Slow Season

    •  Packages

    •  etc

  •  The system can also be used for Rental Trailers, Cabin/Motel Reservations, etc.

  •  Customer Search options.

    •  The customer is allowed to select up to 3 search preferences (see the below criteria). If there are matches to the customer’s selection, a list of the matching sites will come up with a description and image if there is one, for each.  A description of each site is set-up by you, the administrator. The customer then chooses the site he/she would like, enters all his personal information and submits his request.

  •  Additional Fees automatically calculated.

    •  You will be asked to enter your tax rate, whether you have a reservation charge or not and if so how much, what the max # of people you allow per registration, whether you charge extra for additional people and/or vehicles.  All these factors will be calculated into the final rate.

  •  Block/Unblock Dates for specific sites and/or rentals

  •  Customized (by you) Emails can automatically be sent for Pending Reservations, Confirmations and Cancellations.

    •  The customer submits his/her request, the campground instantly gets an email.  The campground then confirms the reservation or not.  You, the Park, will process their credit card. This is not done through the system.  The system is Secure so customers do not have to worry about giving their personal & credit card information on-line.

  •  Your site map, area map and a picture of individual sites can also be posted on your reservation site.

For more information on MACAP’s Securevault Online Reservation System, email

Non-member Campground Operators:

Interested in getting onboard?  Email to request a MACAP Membership Application.